Category Archives: Uncategorized

Funding for the Archive of the Now

The Archive has just been awarded a small grant from the Centre for Public Engagement, at Queen Mary University of London, to support and develop the site.  Over the coming months, we’ll be expanding our collection with a series of recording sessions which will be open to the public.  We’ll also shortly be announcing a new residency programme and unveiling a set of new tools for using and exploring the Archive.  Check back with us soon!

New look now

Thanks to Phil Meades for the complete overhaul of our website, and Richard Feasey at Designworks for the new design.  The Archive of the Now is now again!  The new advanced structure will make the site much easier to update, and funding from the Westfield Trust at Queen Mary has allowed us to purchase equipment and fund an editorial assistant.  So we’re embarking on a campaign of new recordings and updates to the site.  If you have a recording to donate, or updates for an existing page, please email Andrea.  Any feedback on the new site design would also be welcome.  Enjoy!