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Elizabeth Guthrie
Elizabeth Guthrie is a poet and performer living and practicing in the Hudson Valley, NY after having just completed a practice-based PhD in text and performance at the University of East London. She teaches English at SUNY New Paltz and is the founder of Stone Collective, co-editor of Livestock Editions, and curator of the Impossible Reading Series with work appearing in journals including Onedit, Bombay Gin, Emergency Index, Alba Londres, Open Letter, and Fact-Simile, and the Chicago Review. She has a pamphlet, X Portraits, through Crater Press, a chapbook, Yellow and Red, through Black Lodge Press, a collaborative chapbook with Andrew K. Peterson, Between Here and the Telescopes, through Slumgullion Press, and a book entitled Portraits - Captions from Contraband Books along with the forthcoming Portraits - Negatives.
- Portraits Visemes
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Iterations of Portraits with comments from Tim Atkins and David Ashford can be found:
Sample Text
Artist Name: Portrait – sketch
Title: set: the hose, the line to the shop where I get my top-ups
Year: scene: a transaction happening over the hose – two arms outstretched
in transitional exchange
Dimensions: soundscape: of the street
Medium: scene: rapid, frantic even, waving motions indicating the words,
"more hose” or “over here, over here” – top-ups – top-ups –
Thought: did not see the source, the van or what was on the
other end of the tube, but did peak in to catch an oddly
vulnerable, and inappropriate perhaps, scene, like
allies rallying around a birth: but in this either putting
in or stirring or extracting, I could not tell which and
this lack of clarity – obscurity – not being helped by
an inability on my part to discern the contents, not
being helped by being a further inability to identify
the substance of an area around which the activity
seemed to focus, there was a hint of the greatest
Question: was it as immediate a hint as the one a person is tuned
to when witnessing the function of bees in a hive,
laying-in honey or wax perhaps? – or is it that association
only made due to the appreciative voice of such television shows
as are to be seen on the nature channel? – In any case, it could
have been that there was a crime being committed or something of
a similar buzz, something not quite benign, something mysterious,
unknown, off-limits, intimate and vulnerable – something which
could only be glimpsed and which, perhaps may be under the
folds, the sheets, the slips, the leaves, something that may, in fact,
be the reason, the hum, the sense of all of this coming and going
by those personages on the street – something - to the wax, or the
honey square –to the gaze – to the slip point – the melting point
Thought: WORD, the Woman biRD – or BE at Ease – for the
sake of the bees and the turning of their honey square,
their squares, that honey that turns their squares around,
or the honey squares, those mystery machines,
translations, ingredients tying frames together, making
moments, spaces of transformation, from front to back,
from word to image, from frame to frame, from one
moment to the next, from one space to the next, from
one voice to another, from one body to another, the wax
or the honey square, tending that thing, buzzing that
thing, moving and buzzing and tending that space,
doing that indescribably, nearly unreal, liminal, rare
thing, this thing – its slip point – its transformative
space - the action, the impedous, the inspiration
Thought: and we do not know where that action comes from –
what is the “rise”? The buoyancy? – always a rise to
move from one moment to the next? To move forward
and up? To translate to make sense, to move forward
and up? – and on the environment, and on the street, or
the front and back of the pages, are the water bath, of
the wax, rising in temperature – again, what is the
gaze? Causing the rise? The slip point? The melting
point? Where the outside, of wax, is molten and begins
to rise in the water bath, in the street, in the space
between the front and back of a piece of paper –
Question: what made the thing? What goes to it? – To those
who attend to – to the wax or the honey square –
Characters: the front and back of a page, one the image, the
other the text – Image, Word – which is front and
which is back?
Scene: what goes in the thing? Anything?
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