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Thom Donovan


Thom Donovan is a poet, editor, curator, and teacher currently living in Brooklyn, NY. His poems and essays have appeared widely in print and online journals, and his first trade edition book, The Hole, appeared with Displaced Press in 2012. His second book of poems, Withdrawn, will be out with Compline later this year. He is the co-editor and publisher of ON Contemporary Practice, an online journal and print monograph series for critical writings about one’s contemporaries. From 2010-2012 he edited the column '5 Questions for Contemporary Practice' at Art21 blog. He is the editor of Supple Science: a Robert Kocik Primer (with Michael Cross; ON Contemporary Practice Monograph Series, 2013) and To Look At The Sea Is To Become What One Is: an Etel Adnan Reader (with Brandon Shimoda; Nightboat Books, spring 2014). He teaches courses in poetics and writing at School of Visual Arts, Parsons, and Pratt Institute and holds a PhD in English from SUNY-Buffalo. From 2011-2013 he served as Archive Manager for the Byrd Hoffman Water Mill Foundation. He has been a fellow at the Akademie Schloss Solitude.


  • Reading at UnAmerican Activities, 13 April 2014
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